Hexxa GEO Systems Integrators Pvt. Ltd
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Case Studies


Objective :- Covers Entire Boundary wall of Premises and Plant Area with 24 hours Monitoring.

Total Installation Details :- 50 plus camera Including 45 Flame Proof PTZ Camera and 5 Fix Camera.

Teams Involved :- A Field Team of Total 15 Including Engineers and Technical Team Involved in to Complete the Task.

Goals:- To Complete Installation in defined Time Frame.

Alok log

Challenges Faced: Explosion proof cameras is a tedious job and precautions to be taken of high level to ensure that it is protected from all sides and weather. Each PTZ used for Installation were with 25kg Weight, and Same were to be carried out on 30 Meters High Mask Tower for installation. Existing Routes were to be used for New cabling where already Existing other Medias were lying Under ground, Challenge was No older Media was suppose to be Damanged. On technical upfront was existing few of older camera was also to be integrated with New software and all system was required with hot Redundancy

Challenges Faced: Explosion proof cameras is a tedious job and precautions to be taken of high level to ensure that it is protected from all sides and weather. Each PTZ used for Installation were with 25kg Weight, and Same were to be carried out on 30 Meters High Mask Tower for installation. Existing Routes were to be used for New cabling where already Existing other Medias were lying Under ground, Challenge was No older Media was suppose to be Damanged. On technical upfront was existing few of older camera was also to be integrated with New software and all system was required with hot Redundancy


Objective :- Cover Major Main Areas and Cross Roads of City and Road transport and In and outlets of City Entry.

Total Installation Details :- Installation of More than 115 Fix Cameras.

Teams Involved :- A Field Team of Total 20 Including Engineers and Technical Team Involved in to Complete the Task.

Goals:- To Make Max Reach of Areas of city and bus routes under Survillance.


Challenges Faced:- Being City Survillance first and upmost challenge was to work in Main Road Traffic Area, Movements of Vehices, Secondly Being Main roads, the Cable passing was main with existing Chambers which were quite older and jammed up. On technical upgfront being coverage of major city areas, the system was to be suppose to have fully backup and redundant, to avoid any gaps in surveillance, Smart filtering was required to fetch videos so min time is taken to track any vehicle and result to any crimes.

Strategies:- To avoid the installation hook ups, Planning was done as during Peak Hours Team of engg use to work on off areas and stations, while in Night Period Team use to take up full work on Main roads and Signals Areas, so lesser disturbance is faced. For Chambers use for cable passed on as were quite older had many of Jams , which were used with Jetter Machine and water Pressure was use to Clean up the ducts for cable pass on. A good Support from Local corporation Team was Given for faster cable Approach and Pass ons. A frame of server was created with primary and backup servers so that any of is down the load of rest get distributed automatically till frame of first is up. For smart filtering analytics function was used in software with functions like road crossing, line crossings, Wrong way movments detections etc. For Easy track a huge display video wall was created for easy track and multi camera views

Outcomes:- Sucessfully installation and Acitvation with Maximum of Road coverages.


Objective :- Truly fiber optic connectivity for 150 Kms connecting

Total Installation Details :- Installation of More than 150 kms fiber optic connectivity under ground for Rail Tail

Teams Involved :- A Field Team of Total 20 Including Engg and Technical Team Involved in to Complete the Task.

Goals:- To Make Fiber optic connecitivty for Transmission of Data and Many More applications for more than 150 kms.


Challenges Faced:- Being Entire city areas having many Main roads, Highways, Under Bridges, Railway subways, Etc coming in Mide way for Cable pass on Need lots of Goverments Process for Permission to be done which was a bigger task.

Strategies:- To avoid the installation hook ups for work and Permission, Two Teams were deputed at at time, one team was fully working on for permission and clearance or routes. And Second team was continuously working on Max Proficeny of HDD Machine which could give Maximum of Underground drilling, without damanging any of Topper layers of Upper Grounds. Special HDD [ Horizonatal Drirectional Drilling ] Machines were used which can check on Routes Prior and directions, for Proper Passing of Cable. Backup machines were ready with rods to avoid any delayin work due to hard routs or rod damanges.

SRIMCA –UKA UNIVERSITY- Tadsadi A wire-free Campus

The institute Shrimad Rajchandra College of Management and Computer Application (SHRIMCA), Bardoli, Gujarat

The productsD-Link Layer 3 switches and DWL 2100 Access Points

Average users on a single day200

System IntegratorsGeo Integrators, Surat

Number of Access Points deployed20

Benefits of the implementationWireless connectivity is available to anybody having a notebook with a wireless card. SHRIMCA provides Wi-Fi connectivity free-of-cost to its students, faculty and visitors. In places like the garden and the lawns, Net connectivity has become smooth and easy. Many desktops are also connected to the Wi-Fi network

South Gujarat University
High-tech Networking Resources at South Gujarat University

This ambitious project, based on D-Link Networking and Structured Cabling products, was completed in a record time of just 17 days, including digging, Laying & installation of Active components. The implementation was carried out by GEO Systems and Solutions.

The SGU Campuswide Network has been built around the D-Link DES-3326S Managed Layer 3 Stackable Switch and 2 DMC-1000 Converter Chassis with 24 DMC-515SC and a DMC-1002 (management module) forming the core. All 24 departments of the University spread over a vast campus are connected to the central computer centre using departmental switches DES-3226S (Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Stackable Switches). The DES-3226S switches take care of the internal departmental LAN connectivity. DFE-855 100 Mbps RJ-45 to Fiber Converters are used with the DES-3226S switches for linking them to the backbone.

Pipavav logo
The wireless port of Pipavav

Prior to the implementation there was no wireless network at the port. It started with various models of wireless card bus adapters using both 802.11 b and g.

Jaspal Bakshi, GPPL’s President, IT, led the initiative to streamline various critical business processes and build an IT infrastructure with a 24x7 redundant backbone. The deployment was rolled out with GEO Integrators as the system integrators and D-Link as consultants.

The network was scalable to complement convergence with existing and all possible future IT and business support requirements. The initial equipment included D-Link’s DWL-120 11 Mbps, DWL-650+ 22 Mbps, DWL-630G 54 Mbps and DWL-650G+ 108 Mbps Wi-Fi cards.

Alok log
Alok gets ready for global competition

Alok Industries needed a high-end networking infrastructure for running its ERP applications, and D-Link helped them achieve that, says Megha Banduni. Studying design trends, preparing a blueprint of the design in consultation with agents and key customers, freezing a design, and sending it to the desk looming mills for production. The entire process takes about a year. Keeping all this in mind, the company invited tenders for the project. D-Link was finally chosen and a budget of approximately Rs 35 lakh was allotted. Explains Manoj Verghese, Alok’s IT manager, “We chose D-Link for this project as we were using their products for eight years and were always satisfied with the service rendered such as replacements and sending the products and services within the required time-frame.”